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Thai Hot Culinary Chili Seeds 2 - 2
  • Thai Hot Culinary Chili Seeds 2 - 2
  • Thai Hot Culinary Chili Seeds 2 - 1

Thai Hot Culinary Chili Seeds

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Thai Hot Culinary Chili Seeds
Price for Package of 5 seeds.
The Thai Culinary Hot pepper is great to cook with. The peppers are very tasty and are about 7.5 cm long. The peppers grow upright in clusters. The Thai Culinary Hot is a compact plant and therefore very suitable for pots and containers. Species: Capsicum
Paketteki tohumlar:

Thai Hot Culinary Chili Seeds

Price for Package of 5 seeds.

The Thai Culinary Hot pepper is great to cook with. The peppers are very tasty and are about 7.5 cm long. The peppers grow upright in clusters. The Thai Culinary Hot is a compact plant and therefore very suitable for pots and containers. Species: Capsicum Annuum
C 45
5 Öğeler

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